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Digital Services Updates
Activity Finder Security Notice
Activity Finder could provide an attack vector where a malicious site could use the “trusted” YMCA domain to redirect users to an untrusted site.
Sites using Activity Finder should immediately ensure they have activity_finder_trusted_redirect_host_patterns
configured in settings.php as per
the documentation and update to the
latest release of Activity Finder.
What is the problem?
Activity Finder provides a method for sites to redirect users to register for activities. The method passes a URL in a query string, like
Activity Finder provides a method to only allow trusted hosts to be redirected, but if no trusted host is configured then any host was previously allowed through.
This could provide an attack vector where a malicious site could use the “trusted” YMCA domain to redirect users to an untrusted site, like
How bad is it?
Using the
Drupal Security Risk Calculator this risk has been assessed as 12/25 (Moderately Critical): AC:Basic/A:None/CI:None/II:None/E:Exploit/TD:Default
Here’s what that means:
- Access complexity: It is trivial for an attacker to leverage the vulnerability.
- Authentication: No authentication is needed for an exploit to be successful.
- Confidentiality Impact: The vulnerability does not cause non-public data to become accessible.
- Integrity Impact: The vulnerability can not allow system data to be compromised.
- Zero-day Impact: An documented exploit does exist in the wild.
- Target Distribution: Default module configurations are exploitable, but a config change can disable the exploit.
What do we do?
There are two mitigations, available to you to use immediately:
- If your site is actively using Activity Finder, you should immediately ensure your site has the
configured insettings.php
as per the documentation. After deploying this change and clearing caches, your site will be secure. If you do not make this change, your Activity Finder links may stop redirecting on your next code update. - If your site is not actively using Activity Finder, update to the latest release of Activity Finder or include this patch to enforce the security of your site, as the Activity Finder code could still be active even though it’s not being used.
Layout Builder Roadmap
Layout Builder v1
Released in 9.2.12, December 2022
Page components
- Accordions
- Expandable pairs of question/answer or header/section fields.
- Maps to paragraphs:
accordion_section, faq, ymca_accordion
- Cards (Horizontal & Vertical)
- Flexible cards style components.
- Carousels
- A full-width display with multiple sets of a header, description, and call to action overlaid on an image
- Grid CTA Content
- Sets of headline, description, and link displayed in n-item wide rows. Sometimes icons or images are added
- Hero Banners
- A full-width, almost full-height display with a header, description, and call to action overlaid on an image
- Ping Pong Blocks
- Usually paired, sets of media, header, description, and call to action arranged horizontally
- Promo Cards (sidebar only)
- A title, headline, description, and link that usually display in the sidebar
- Statistics
- Infographic-like display to highlight relevant stats
- Tabs
- Allows users to switch page views by selecting tabs across the top of the page instead of having to navigate to a new page.
- Simple Content (w/ responsive tables)
- Allows for the management of responsive tables within a page.
- Webforms
- Basic webform that can be embedded within a page.
Menu / Navigation
- Simple Menu (sidebar only)
- A simple 1-level sidebar menu that can display in either the right or left sidebar area.
Layout Builder v2
Planned for release 9.2.13, March 2023.
Content types
- Articles (News / Blog / Press Release)
- Ability to include Layout Builder components in Article pages; combining existing like-content types into a single CT.
- Events
- Ability to include Layout Builder components in Event pages.
- Branch
- Ability to include Layout Builder components in Branch pages.
Menu / Navigation
- Breadcrumbs
- Secondary navigation that allows users to understand where they are located within a site.
- Branch Menu (microsite menu)
- Sub-menu that displays within a branch page (and sub-pages) that allows users to drill down to additional content specific to that branch.
Page components
- Modals
- Modals can be triggered on page load or when a button is clicked (i.e. confirmation screen).
- Testimonials
- Display of short testimonials or quotes from Y members
- Partners / Sponsors
- Displays logos / info of partners or sponsors
- Staff Members
- Displays simple staff member info cards with image, name, title
- Related Articles
- Component for displaying related articles within an article node page and within other pages using layout builder.
- Related Events
- Component for displaying related events within an event node page and within other pages using layout builder.
- Branch Hours
- Banner display individual branch hours and other branch-related info
- Branch Amenities
- All Amenities available at an individual branch.
There is a version of branch amenities that includes open vs closed amenities. For this version, going ot keep it simple and only implement the version that displays available/open amenities. Will come back to the one that lists open vs closed (see Middle Tennessee).
- Branch Social Links
- Should we include an area for social sharing links on individual branch / location pages in v2 or v3?
Layout Builder v3
Planned for June 2023.
Content Types
- Camp
- Content type for camp locations. Allows for flexibility to include Layout Builder components in the Camp CT pages. Additional items to consider including within the Camp CT template are: Pricing Charts, Schedules (see links for Camp Hanes)
- Facility
- Flexible CT for other location types, such as Child Cares. Allows for ability to include layout builder components in Facility CT pages.
- Alerts
- Ensure Alerts are working with the Layout Builder landing page content type, and other content types that might use alerts (Branches, Camps, etc)
Custom Pages / Applications
- Locations Page
- Ability to include Layout Builder components into the Location finder page, below the locations listing.
- Membership Calculator
- Ability to include Layout Builder components within the Membership Calculator landing pages
- Virtual Y
- Ability to include Layout Builder components into VirtualY pages
- Activity Finder
- Ability to include Layout Builder components within pages that display Activity Finder content
Menu / Navigation
- Global Header
- Global header elements
- Global Footer
- Global footer elements
- Utility Menu
- Utility menu links
- Mega Menu
- Multi-level interactive menu (up to 3 levels)
- Home / Preferred Branch
- Allow for users to select a single branch location as their home / preferred branch via a modal that displays on the associations’ home page when the user first arrives on the site. Selecting a home branch will have a link to the Branch display in the user’s utility menu for easier access to the Branch page(s). Users can also select their home / preferred branch by checking the “My Home Branch” checkbox once on a Branch page. They can also deselect a Branch as their home Branch, and can click on the “Change” link to select another location from a modal.
- Camp Menu
- Menu for camp-specific pages; similar to Branch menu, but allows for 2 levels instead of a single level.
- Camp Quick Links
- Additional menu for camps that will allow for the placement of up to 6 additional links in addition to the camp menu
Page Components
- Event Views & Filters
- Views & filters for event listings that allow users to sort events by location and search by keyword.
- Article Views & Filters
- Views & filters for article listings that allow users to sort articles by location and topic tag, and search by keyword.
- Location Amenities Filter (sidebar filter)
- Amenities filter on Location finder page where users can select one or more amenities and have the location results display locations where those amenities are available. Amenities can be placed into categories, and those categories can be related to location content types (Branches, Camps, Facilities)
- Camp Video Banner
- Hero banner that displays an auto-playing video in desktop views, and a video on-click in mobile views.
- Code Block
- Need to move the Code Block into a Layout Builder component.
Digital Services Release
Updates & New Features
Promotion Content Type
Promotions are pieces of content with scheduled start and end dates that can be used for displaying internal marketing and ad campaigns. Content editors can easily schedule, manage and place multiple promotions throughout their website via the Drupal admin interface.
The first version of this content type allows content editors to place promotions inside the Card component (for Layout Builder) and as interstitial content within Activity Finder. Learn more in our docs.
Layout Builder Updates
Continuing general cleanup, updated documentation, and improvements to the content editing experience for new Layout Builder components and content types.
- Moved Program & Program Sub-category Content Types into Layout Builder. (#806)
- Facility Content Type - Updated the behavior of Contact / Hours fields so that content editors can include custom contact and hour information for a facility. (#1057)
- Facility Content Type - Included ability to add custom hours on Facilities, currently it is inherited from Branch CT. (#1119)
- LB Location Finder - ‘Get Directions’ link on a Branch card should link to the Google Map of the location. (#1132)
- Removed a dependency on lb_branch_hours_block. (#1071)
- Credit - Andy Fowlston
- LB Menus & Navigation - Clarified header / footer region display names so that each region has a unique, easy to understand title. (#1055)
- LB Mega menu - Resolved hierarchical issues, making top level pages clickable and including indicators for parent / child relationships. (#1196)
- Cleaned up error messages that were blocking content entry in the Layout Builder sidebar. (#827)
- Resolved an issue with LB content types being excluded from the Default sitemap in the ‘Simple XML Sitemap’ module configurations. (#1197)
- Credit - Jeremy Weedman
- LB UX - Fixed display of Drupal admin warnings and messages. (#828)
- Made vertical spacing between components more consistent. (#1167)
- LB Cards - De-duplicated code in twig templates. (#1135)
- Included Home Branch, Icon Grid, LB Facility and LB Camp in default standard install. (#1061)
Core, Security & Performance Updates
- Update to Drush v12. (#807)
- Allowed plugin definitions caching to resolve a caching performance issue. (#1220)
- Credit: Andrey Maximov
CKEditor 5
- Upgraded from png to svg icons for CKEditor 5 compatibility. (#1194)
Admin / Content Editor Enhancements
- Migration from old block + paragraph approach to block + block sub-item approach for Layout Builder. (#’s 301-306, #1087)
- Replaced AddThis with AddToAny. (#1028)
- Note: AddThis terminated all services on May 1, 2023, which impacts all Website Services sites using the service.
- Removed duplicated code from twig templates for the LB Hero. (#1134)
- Added cross-domain tracking module to ensure cross-domain tracking works with Google Analytics 4. (#280)
- Resolved accessibility issues found in audits from Summer 2023:
- WAVE browser tool
- Keyboard accessibility
- Screen Reader
Design System - Y Styles
“Y Styles” helps site builders customize their sites in an accessible and brand-compliant manner.
- Updated H1-H6 tags to match colorway styles. (#666)
- Canadian Colorway - Canadian Y Associations can now select from a set of brand-compliant colors to use with Layout Builder components. (#589)
- Videos from the Open Y channel that are referenced in code had their URLs updated to the new YUSA YouTube channel. (#834)
- Document workaround for missing CKEditor 5 button button. (#1147)
- Added documentation for Home Branch selector and how to disable it. (#1162)
- Documented how to troubleshoot missing configurations after upgrading to Drupal 10. (#1124)
- Added Content type clarification. (#1239)
- Made donate support more prominent. (#1239)
- Added header menu length recommendations. (#1239)
- Included documentation for installing Solr site search and Google Search Configuration in Layout Builder. (#1198)
- Updated documentation for how to set up a Layout Builder site from scratch. (#1241)
- Added documentation for how to display amenities in the filter on the LB Location Finder page. (#1252)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue with Layout Builder content types causing errors on Search or Webforms. (#1205)
- Resolved an issue with Alert Rearrange not actually rearranging alerts. (#1228)
- Credit: Serhii Zherebchuck
Virtual Y 1.8.18
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue with YV Logs using the old instructor name field. (#903)
- Fixed the Header (utility menu and main nav) so that it does not overlap the content below. (#1076)
- Fixed the empty description on Live Stream/Virtual Meeting causing the page to fail. (#1240)
- Credit: Sathya Raja
Digital Services Release
Sandbox Demo Content Pages
- Home page
- Who We Are (About)
- Programs Overview
- Programs Category (i.e. Youth Sports)
- Individual Program (i.e. Soccer)
- Membership
- Join
- Donate
- Location Finder
- Location page (i.e. YMCA Springfield)
- Schedules
- Events
- Contact Us
- Jobs
- Volunteer Opportunities
Documentation Updates
- Drupal 10 update assistance. (#787)
- Documentation for Layout Builder Facility Content Type. (#1034)
- Documentation for Layout Builder Icon Grid component. (#1041)
- Documentation for Alerts. (#1035)
- Added instructions for adding/restoring the Camp Header block state. (#1054)
- Documentation for adding the 2nd level main menu CTA. (#796)
- Documenting how to use the Layout Builder advanced style settings. (#811)
- Documentation discussing ”Rich Results” features in the distribution. (#1072)
- Updated documentation for the Landing Page content type (non-Layout Builder). (#1050)
- Merged Development and Wiki sections, removed duplicate information. (#1066)
- Updated documentation tool to Docsy 0.7 & Bootstrap 5. (#1107)
- Documentation for how to migrate content into Layout Builder. (#820)
- Documentation for how to create anchor links. (#1118)
- Updated Terms & Conditions to include verbiage for demo content. (#926)
Bug Fixes
- Resolved an error occurring during a full profile installation. (#1084)
- Layout Builder - Google Translate block - Google Translate block showed a double placeholder when editors uncheck “Show content preview”. (#1078)
- Layout Builder - Branch Content Type - Fixed button icon position issue. (#1069)
- Layout Builder - Camp Quick Links - Resolved styling and alignment issues. (#1051)
- Layout Builder - Resolved watchdog errors when saving/editing landing pages. (#1040)
- Ensured Alert previews display only selected paths. (#1059)
- CKEditor 5 - Fixed issue where Selecting “Source” made WYSIWYG text invisible. (#1063)
- Layout Builder - Resolved issue with the live site UI menu displaying on top of the admin UI, preventing content editors from accessing the admin UI. (#1060)
- Layout Builder - Preferred / Home Location feature - Resolved issue with button alignment (#1052)
- Layout Builder - Preferred / Home Location feature - Linked Home Branch link in header to selected Branch page, and the chevron/drop down to the modal to select a different Branch. (#1053)
- Resolved an issue with menu items with icons not saving. (#1067)
- Added missing config to Articles and Events Content Types. (#1068)
- Included Alert Rearrange in Admin menu. (#1074)
- Set up schema_article module to be enabled with config. (#1062)
- Removed a duplicate instance of media_entity_document in composer.json. (#1113)
- Ensured there are no failed patches on composer install. (#1039)
- Resolved an error when upgrading from Drupal 9.5.9 to 10.3.0 (#1131)
- Credit: Kerry Knopp
- Fixed
so it can handle non-time entries, i.e. ‘Closed’. (#1105)
Virtual Y 1.8.12
Bug fixes only
- Resolved an issue with the Avocado welcome email resulting in a fatal error. (#1184)
- Fixed an issue with Log Exports failing under D10 (#904)
- Under VY 1.8.1 and Drupal 10.0.10 VY content didn’t load on the dashboard or on individual items. (#924)
- Top menu was overlapping the main menu for admin users. (#1103)
- Credit: Kairamkonda Rajesh
- Virtual Meeting/Live Stream Description was missing in D10. (#1166)
Digital Services Release 10.3.0
Updates & New Features
Layout Builder
Expanding upon the June 2023 release, we are making the final set of page components and content types compatible with Layout Builder. We have also improved the design and functionality of some existing components and content types.
- Home / Preferred Branch
- Camp Content Type
- Camp Menu (Microsite Menu)
- Camp Quick Links
- Facility Content Type
- Alerts
- VirtualY
- Small Banner
- Branch Amenities component redesign
- Icon Grid component redesign
LB Events
- Allow Content Editors to customize Branch Contact info on Layout Builder Event node pages.
LB Locations
- Modified the front end display of Location hours used in the Location cards on the Layout Builder Location Finder page.
Admin / Content Editor Enhancements
- Made Paragraphs Type help available to content editors and site admins so that they can easily learn more about how to use Paragraph components.
- Created Standard and Custom install packages for Layout Builder components.
- More about installation types
- Improved the revision functionality in Layout Builder.
- Gave administrators the ability to resolve Upgrade conflicts from within the Upgrade Dashboard UI.
- Updated Meta tags to version 2.
- Turned off a default Carnation setting that was making buttons display text in all caps.
CKEditor 5 Upgrade
- Updated the YUSA Distribution from CKEditor 4 to CKEditor 5.
- Added Full HTML Configuration to CKEditor 5.
- Deprecated old media CKEditor 4 plugins in favor of new Media CKEditor5 button.
- Article Content Type - Set up Meta Tags & configuration
- Landing Page Content Type - Set up Meta Tags
- Branch Content Type - Set up Meta Tags and & configuration for Locations.
- Accordion component - Allow content editors to designate an accordion as an FAQ item so that FAQ schema can be added to the component when relevant.
- Resolved accessibility issues found in audits from Spring 2023:
- WAVE browser tool
- Keyboard accessibility
- Screen Reader
Design System - Y Styles
“Y Styles” helps site builders customize their sites in an accessible and brand-compliant manner.
- Created Border style variations
- Created Corner radius variations
- Created Button fill style variations
- Created Button position variations
- Created Text/Button alignment variations
- Created variations of page components and content types to match the 4 brand compliant color schemes (Green, Blue, Purple, Red), including:
- Article Content Type
- Article Filters & Views
- Branch Content Type
- Branch Amenities
- Branch Hours
- Branch Menu
- Branch Social Links
- Home / Preferred Branch
- Camp Content Type
- Camp Menu
- Camp Quick Links
- Event Content Type
- Event Filters & Views
- Facility Content Type
- Icon Grid
- How to upgrade your Y association website to Drupal 10.
- How to resolve upgrade conflicts within the Upgrade Dashboard UI.
- How to allow UTM codes in Activity Finder.
- Updates to Layout Builder advanced help links for all Layout Builder compatible components and content types.
- How to include a social media feed on a Camp page.
- How to use CKEditor 5 updates including new media buttons, new button interface, new color plugins, etc.
- How to use global style settings for the Design System.
- How to batch upload media files.
- How to use Linkit Module.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed Preferred Location in Drupal 10.
- Fixed an issue where memory consumption was too high.
- Fixed CKEditor 4 to 5 upgrade path for use cases when an association uses a customized Full Html WYSIWYG editor configuration.
Digital Services Release
Updates & New Features
Layout Builder
- Donations
- Updated Donation component to display in all 4 color schemes
- Fixed issue related to giving amount fields
- Fixed issue with component layout in tablet views
- Menus & Global Elements
- Search bar and logo were made editable
- Header and Footer can be added to new Layout Builder content types
- Fixed an issue with the hamburger menu displaying on large screens
- Added a placeholder for the Google Translate block in Layout Builder
- Fixed issue with Alerts related to the hamburger menu
- Ensured links of only 1 level display in the expanded mega menu (i.e. only L2 pages should show if I open the L2 menu)
- Ping Pong component
- Made Verdana default description font
- Amenities component
- Fixed issue where some amenities are not visible if some amenities aren’t grouped
Activity Finder / Schedules
- Fixed icon on Activity Finder filters
UX Improvements
- Included some additional UX improvements to the Layout Builder admin panel
Virtual Y 1.8.0
Updates & New Features
- Made VirtualY compatible with Layout Builder and Drupal 10
Bug Fixes
- Resolved issues with Virtual Y Live Chat, and created documentation
- Added a fix to ensure that autologout doesn’t occur if a user is playing a video
- Fixed some minor bugs related to 1:1 meetings
Digital Services Release 10.2.14
Updates & New Features
Layout Builder v3.1
Expanding upon the March 2023 release, we are making additional page components and content types compatible with Layout Builder. Learn more in our docs.
The final set of components and content types will be completed in the September 2023 release.
- Global Header / Footer Elements
- All the components needed for a configurable header and footer, including logo, search, translate menu, main menu, footer, etc.
- Header / Footer Documentation & Training
- Event Views & Filters
- Components to feature, filter, and list events using Layout Builder.
- Event Views & Filters Documentation & Training
- Article Views & Filters
- Components to feature, filter, and list articles using Layout Builder.
- Article Views & Filters Documentation & Training
- Location Finder & Amenities Filters
- A set of components for searching, filtering and viewing YMCA Locations.
- Location Finder Documentation & Training
- Membership Framework
- Place the Membership Framework in a Layout Builder page
- Membership Framework Documentation & Training
- VirtualY
- Place VirtualY in a Layout Builder page
- Activity Finder
- Place the Activity Finder application in a Layout Builder page.
- Activity Finder Documentation & Training
- Donations
- Component allowing content editors to add an embedded donation form to their site and create a separate call to action to direct users there.
- Donations Documentation & Training
Updated Component Designs
Existing Layout Builder components have been modified to improve accessibility compliance and include use of brand colors.
- Cards
- Updated Card styles to make the text over image more accessible and include additional brand colors.
- Carousels
- Updated Carousels to remove the text and CTA covering the image, and placed controls below the component to reduce visual noise; included additional brand colors.
- Statistics
- Updated Statistics to remove text, statistics and CTA overlaying the image, and placed them in their own distinct elements; included additional brand colors.
- Sidebar Menu
- Sidebar Menu updated to include additional brand colors.
- Tabs
- Tabs updated to include additional brand colors.
Drupal Core Update
- Updated the YUSA Distribution to the most recent stable version of Drupal Core - Drupal Core 10
Activity Finder / Schedules
- Resolved an issue with keyword search not working
- Patched a security issue that allowed malicious redirects
Locations & Maps
- Branches - Hid Holiday hours if it contains no content, and ensured Holiday hours display if the current date is a holiday
- Allowed Canadian addresses on Branch Layout Builder pages
UX Improvements
- Resolved issue with Focal Point module that was causing issues with the front end display of responsive images
Admin / Content Editor Updates
- Set the global default theme to Carnation
- Removed “Font” and “Size” options from WYSIWYG styles
Design System - Y Styles
“Y Styles” helps site builders customize their sites in an accessible and brand-compliant manner.
- Colorway Configuration - Created 4 YMCA brand compliant color schemes for associations to choose from when building website pages:
- Green / blue
- Blue / purple
- Purple / red
- Red / yellow
- Created variations of Banners and Cards to allow more design flexibility for content editors when creating pages.
- Created variations of Landing Page components to match the 4 brand compliant color schemes, including:
- Global elements (header, footer, utility menu, mega menu)
- Hero Banners + Banner variations
- Accordions
- Breadcrumbs
- Cards + Card variations
- Carousels
- Location finder
- Modals
- Ping Pongs
- Promo Cards
- Sidebar Menus
- Simple Content / Tables
- Sponsors
- Statistics
- Tabs
- Testimonials
- Webforms
Bug Fixes
- Added pathauto aliases for new Layout Builder Content Types
Virtual Y 1.6.6
Updates & New Features
- Updated documentation for VY 1:1 Meetings
- VY custom provider trims spaces from email addresses on CSV import.
Bug Fixes
- Resolved issue with users not being able to join 1:1 Meetings
- Fixed broken previews for Shared Content.
- Applied a Gated Content patch to remove errors.
- Fixed menu styling issues.
- Resolved an issue with YouTube videos not displaying after JS is recompiled.
- Fixed VY Daxko SSO so that it does not intentionally overwrite the API whitelist URL.
Digital Services Release 9.2.13
Updates & New Features
Layout Builder (v2)
Expanding upon the December release, we are making additional components and content types compatible with Layout Builder. Learn more in our docs.
- A pop-up / modal that can display on page load.
- Modal Documentation & Training
- Secondary navigation that allows users to understand where they are located within a site.
- Breadcrumb Documentation & Training
Testimonials component
- Component for displaying short testimonials or quotes from Y members in an interactive carousel-style format.
- Testimonials Documentation & Training
Partners component
- Component for displaying logos / info of partners or sponsors within a page using Layout Builder.
- Partners Documentation & Training
Staff Members component
- Component for displaying simple staff member info cards (with image, name, title) within a page using Layout Builder.
- Staff Members Training & Documentation
- A new Article content type combines all news-related content types into a flexible content type and allows content editors to include Layout Builder components within an article page.
- Articles Training & Documentation
Related Articles
- Component for displaying related articles within an article node page and within other pages (i.e. landing pages) using layout builder.
- Related Articles Training & Documentation
- A new Event content type that allows content editors to include Layout Builder components within an event page.
- Events Training & Documentation
Related Events
- Component for displaying related events within an event node page and within other pages using layout builder.
- Related Events Training & Documentation
- Updated Branch content type that allows for layout builder components to be included within a Branch page, in addition to branch-specific content.
- Branch Training & Documentation
Branch Hours
- Banner for displaying individual branch hours with a breakdown by day and space for highlighting variable hours such as Holiday hours.
- Branch Hours Training & Documentation
Branch Menu
- Single level sub-menu that displays within a branch page (and sub-pages) that allows users to drill down to additional content specific to that branch.
- Branch Menu Training & Documentation ADD LINK
Branch Amenities
- A component for displaying all Amenities available at an individual branch.
- Branch Amenities Training & Documentation
Branch Social Links
- Component for placing Branch-specific social media links on a Branch page.
- Branch Social Links Training & Documentation ADD LINK
Additional Layout Builder improvements, update,s and documentation:
- Added Layout Builder roadmap summary to docs
- Standardized and updated existing component field names for consistency
- Resolved issues with low contrast of text over images
- Updated documentation to include new components and updates to content types
- Included node_revision_delete in distribution w/ default settings
Drupal Core Update
- Updated the YUSA Distribution to the most recent stable version of Drupal Core - Drupal Core 9.5.
Activity Finder / Schedules
- Resolved an issue with the guided flow for Activity Finder not showing results if users skip a step
- Admin alert for Daxko API updates - Created an alert message for admins that directs Y admins to update from GroupEx to the newer version of the Daxko API, along with documentation on how to make the update.
- Removed a filter within the Code block that was preventing direct pasting of GroupEx Pro embed codes.
Locations & Maps
- Allow “Directions” link text to be customized by content editors
UX Improvements
- 404 Page Improvements - users who reach a 404 page will see a 404 page with the association’s basic contact information and a contact webform
Admin / Content Editor Updates
- Created documentation for all YUSA Sandbox environments.
- Added a Glossary to Website Services documentation.
- Sandboxes, Event Content Type - ensure dates for demo event content are always set to be in the future.
- Included node_revision_delete in distribution w/ default settings
Bug Fixes
- Resolved an issue with H2 text size not displaying correctly
- Removed Google Translate logo from Select Language menu
Virtual Y 1.6.5
Updates & New Features
9.4 Virtual Y Update
- Updated Virtual Y to version 9.4
Bug Fixes
Virtual Y: In Event Series, Host’s Name is not editable
- The Host’s Name is now included as an editable field when updating an existing Event Series, or it should always copy the values from the editable Instructor field’s upon each Save.
Virtual Y: Released bug fixes - April 2022
- Removed additional styling below the menu
- Chat - Fixed an issue with Chat to remove message history/previous chat
- Fixed an issue with the page layout breaking for small videos
- Resolved error that was displaying when admin tried to install Virtual 1:1 Meeting module
- Fixed an issue with megamenu links going to the secondary menu
- Resolved an error that was displaying when admin tried to create an export file with logs
- Resolved an error that was displaying when admin tried to install Open Y Virtual YMCA Search module
- Resolved an error that was displaying when admin tried to install Open Y Virtual Y shared content server module
- Resolved an error that was displaying when admin tried to install Virtual Y Shared Content module
- Resolved an error that was displaying when admin tried to export Users logs
- Fixed an issue where the time of a 1:1 meeting doesn’t match on the Schedules and 1:1 meeting page
- Fixed an issue where users weren’t able to join the 1:1 meeting
- Fixed an issue where admins could not index searches
- Fixed a problem with the secondary menu shifting
- Resolved an issue in Lily where page titles were partially hidden on mobile devices
VirtualY 1.6.4 - Additional Bulk Fixes
- Migrate to YUSA
- Improved error handling for Reclique SSO
- Resolved an issue where VY is hidden for users that have the admin toolbar
- Small fix to icon paths
- Added option for dummy provider to “auto-login”, providing a kind of “demo mode” for VY
- Added permissions mapping to gc_auth_reclique_sso
- Added on|off toggle for log_archiver cron job in config rnings for alert requests
Website Services 9.2.12
Updates & New Features
Layout Builder (version 1)
Content editors now have a new tool in their toolbelt for building dynamic landing pages - Layout Builder! The “Landing Page (Layout Builder)” content type enables editors to build custom landing pages with a new drag-and-drop interface. Learn more in our docs.
Accordion Components - Layout Builder v 1.0
- Pairs of question / answer or header / body components that expand or collapse on-click to either hide or reveal content.
- Accordion Documentation & Training
Card Components - Layout Builder v 1.0
- Flexible card-style components that allow for up to 4 cards with images to display across a page, depending on the chosen layout.
- Cards Documentation & Training
Carousel Components - Layout Builder v 1.0
- A full-width interactive page component that displays multiple images for users to scroll through.
- Carousel Documentation & Training
Grid CTA Components - Layout Builder v 1.0
- Flexible grid-style components that allow for up to 4 grid items to display across a page, with the option to include icons in place of images.
- Grid CTA Documentation & Training
Hero Banner Components - Layout Builder v 1.0
- A full-width, almost full-height banner displaying at the top of a page, with a title/header, description, and call to action overlaying an image.
- Hero Banner Documentation & Training
Ping Pong Components - Layout Builder v 1.0
- Paired sets of full-width page components that allow for an image and text to display either right or left aligned (i.e. image on right, text on left; text on right, image on left)
- Ping-pong Documentation & Training
Promo Card Components (Sidebar) - Layout Builder v 1.0
- A component with a title, headline, description, and link that can be placed in the right or left sidebar of a page.
- Promo Card Documentation & Training
Simple Menu Components (Sidebar) - Layout Builder v 1.0
- A simple 1-level sidebar menu that can display in either the right or left sidebar of a page.
- Simple Menu Documentation & Training
Statistics Components - Layout Builder v 1.0
- A full-width infographic-like display that highlights relevant figures and statistics to front end users.
- Statistics Documentation & Training
Table Components - Layout Builder v 1.0
- A component for organizing and displaying content in rows and columns.
- Table Documentation & Training
Tabs Components - Layout Builder v 1.0
- A component with tabs displaying at the top that allows users to see more content by selecting a new tab.
- Tabs Documentation & Training
Webform Components - Layout Builder v 1.0
- Embed an existing webform on a page.
- Webform Documentation & Training
9.4 Drupal Core Update
- Updated the YUSA Distribution to the most recent stable version of Drupal Core.
Gated Content - Private Pages
- Allows for Y’s to have one or more pages of their website to be gated so that only association employees, or members of their board of directors, are allowed access.
Branches - Improvements for displaying Branch location Holiday hours
In the Branch Hours section, the day of the week labels (Mon, Tue, Wed, etc) can be overridden with custom text.
- Gives branches the ability to overwrite “Mon” with “Monday, July 4th” and/or “Sat” with “Christmas Day”.
Activity Finder / Schedules
Disabled “View PDF” button when schedule page returns no results
- When no results are returned in Activity Finder, the “Download Weekly PDF” button does not display on the page
Improvements to file names for PDF schedule downloads
PDF Schedule download files have been given more user-friendly names
Example: “West YMCA October 24 - October 30”
Drupal 10 support
PHP 8.1 compatibility fixes
Locations & Maps
Location Page Improvement on Tablet Breakpoint
- On tablets, users will now be able to see the list of amenities displaying below the content, rather than in the sidebar.
Filter Locations by ID instead of title
- Locations are now filtered by ID instead of title/name. This resolves an issue where duplicate location names were causing problems with results when filtering by amenities.
UX Improvements - Previous story / Next story (for Blogs)
- Users can view suggested blog posts at the bottom of a blog post page, and can click through to view the previous or next blog post.
Admin / Content Editor Updates
Show “Add Content” in Admin Menu
- Made the “Add Content” menu item available by default for site administrators.
Ability to quickly clone a node or entity
- Gives site admins the ability to clone a node or entity so they can create new content quickly without having to create each node from scratch.
Batch Upload of Media Files
- Content editors can now upload multiple images and PDFs in a single step to streamline their workflows.
Update to Admin menu items
- Renamed OpenY admin menu to YMCA Website Services
Bug Fixes
Unpublished Branches show “Restricted Access” in “Blog Posts Listing” Block
- Resolves an issue where unpublished branches were displaying as “Restricted Access” in the blog post listing locations filter
Status page is partially empty
- Fixed an issue where the Status Report page was missing information
Membership Builder - The button label isn’t changed to the “Selected” on the membership page
- Resolved a UX issue where buttons were missing indicators (“selected” text or button color changes) that a membership type had been selected.
Reduce z-index of fixed header
- Prevents unwanted side effects in layout builder
Openy_custom fixes/changes minor release
- Resolved ‘failed to open stream error’ on Drupal backend
- Renamed admin menu to YMCA Website Services
- Updated home branch module learn more help text
- Made home branch popup configurable
- Enabled translation of form buttons with extra submit check
Alerts updates & bug fixes
- Ensured <front> or / work for setting homepage Alert visibility
- Cleaned up help text for Alert visibility section
- Resolved PHP 8 deprecation warnings
- Handled edge case for missing alert_location field
- Cleaned up backend warnings for alert requests